Who We Are

Jorge Marage, 18

All my life I have lived in Porto. Currently I'm studying languages and foreign cultures in Superior School of Education. One day I would like to work as a translator or as a tourist guide. I am a very active and passionate individual. I like to leave my mark on everything I do and I always try to overcome my anxieties and be positive. Social media takes a big roll in my life, mainly Internet. It is my number one source for many subjects and doubts, however, I don't consider myself an addicted, I'm just a regular user.

Pedro Carlos,19

I grew upon a small town surrounded by beautiful green scenery which from a very young age turned me into a lover of the natural world and a lover of exploration, furthermore the fact that I had the chance of growing up in this sort of environment made me the introspective person that I am today. In spite of being part of generation of tech-savvy multitaskers I am not that fond of our technology focused society. One day I would like to have a profession that would allow me to explore the world and its many beautiful landmarks.

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